Lockup System

All university organizations should utilize the Lee University logo in communications and promotional efforts. This consistency ensures that individual units are clearly associated with the university and reduces the potential for confusing external audiences.

To maintain brand consistency, the Office of Publications has developed a lockup system on which the official identification of all academic and administrative units should be based. Units should not attempt to develop their own logos, create their own lockups, or embellish a lockup in any way.

Lockup Generator

A lockup generator is available to help units quickly create working lockup files. Lockup submissions will move through workflow for approval by the Office of Publications. Once approved, they will be available for download. All approved lockups are searchable by category and can be downloaded as needed. Please contact [email protected] for assistance or questions.

Coming Soon

Lockup formats and Usage Guidelines

  • The Office of Publication will choose the appropriate lockup design based on the number of characters in the units name. Format options are shown below.
  • Lockups will be provided as PNG files in Lee navy, reversed, and two-color options.
  • All units must use the full, formal name for their organization, including any prefixes (e.g., “Department of…”, “School of…”, “Office of…”).
  • Special characters, ampersands, and acronyms are not permitted.
  • Lockups should follow the usage guidelines outlined on the logo page.
  • Lockups allow units to leverage the university brand and enhance their profile as part of a larger institution. Lockups are not intended to serve as titles, mastheads, or the primary visual focus of any piece of communication. Each program’s unique offerings and differentiators should be explored in content, not through logos or graphics.
  • Do not use a lockup in a website header; all university-hosted websites already include the brand bar with the university logo at the top of the page.
  • Lockups should not be used on external advertising. Because those audiences tend to see all units as simply Lee University, the primary logo lets units leverage the institution’s wide recognition while using strong headlines and content to communicate their unique message.
  • Use only one lockup for each piece. If multiple units come together with a single message, use the primary logo.
Lockup formats:
Lockup Version 1:
Lockup Version 2:
Lockup Version 3: